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Dom Foley

Nothing Makes Sense: A First-Month Web Dev Story

As a new web developer, the first month can be overwhelming. Here are some programming tips and advice to help you get started with your new career in tech.

Are you a novice programmer who feels daunted by a colossal, outdated codebase? If so, rest assured that you are not alone. Allow me to take you on a journey through my first month in the tech industry, where I encountered imposter syndrome, the fear of failure, alarmingly high coffee intake, and an overwhelming amount of code that was written before I even knew what programming was. Despite these challenges and doubts, I gained valuable insights into adapting to a new role, relying on a supportive team, and the importance of perseverance. Join me as I share my experiences and lessons learned.

Coffee being brewed.

One Month Down

One month after securing my first role in tech as a web developer, I have come to a clear realization: nothing makes sense, and that’s perfectly fine. Initially, I had this idea that once I joined my first team, everything I was learning would kick in, and I would start contributing instantly. However, that was far from reality. The codebase I was working on was not only written in a language I wasn’t familiar with but it was also constructed years before OOP was introduced to PHP. The feeling of dread from being completely overwhelmed is an understatement. I was drowning in a sea of legacy code written before I graduated high school, and trying to understand what was happening left me with more questions than answers.

Php elephant(logo) in cartoon form on a macbook.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Busy/Blurry street screen somewhere in japan.

I sat in silence, nervous that if I didn’t figure it out and produce a five-page paper about how to rewrite the entire codebase to improve efficiency by at least 50%, my team would find out that I was a fraud who didn’t actually know anything. I know that’s a bit irrational, but that was my thought process. While staring mindlessly at the bright LEDs in a new space, sitting at a new desk, I heard a voice come from behind me. A coworker called out and asked if I was alright. I responded with a bleak “Yeah, I think it’s going well. Maybe?” The room filled with laughter, and my coworkers quickly reassured me that it was okay to be overwhelmed. It’s an astronomical amount of code, and it’s going to take time to get acclimated.

I’m a member of a small team, and most of my colleagues have been with the company for years. They understand the challenges I face as a newcomer. It’s natural to feel inadequate when you’re thrown into a new environment and asked to tackle complex problems. The fear of being exposed as an imposter is something that many people in the tech industry experience at some point in their careers. It can be a difficult hurdle to overcome, but it’s important to remember that no one knows everything.

No One Knows Everything

The reality is that there’s always something new to learn, and the key is to stay curious, keep asking questions, and take advantage of the knowledge and experience of those around you. As I continue to work on the codebase, I’m starting to get a better understanding of how everything fits together, and steadily gaining confidence in my abilities. Working with legacy code can be challenging, as these codebases have often been built up over many years and may not have been designed with modern best practices in mind. Working with legacy code presents a unique set of challenges, one of which is the difficulty of implementing new features or fixing bugs. Altering the codebase can be a risky endeavor, as it may have unintended consequences elsewhere in the application. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct thorough testing before deploying any changes to production. Despite these challenges, working with legacy code can also be an opportunity to acquire new skills and gain a deeper understanding of how code evolves over time. It can also provide a chance to enhance the codebase and ensure its maintainability and scalability for years to come. In essence, legacy code is a double-edged sword. It can be a source of frustration and difficulty, but it can also be a valuable learning experience and an opportunity to make a positive impact on the codebase. By approaching legacy code with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, developers can turn a potentially daunting task into a rewarding one.

Tips for Navigating Legacy Code

Sticky notes on a wall.

When faced with a legacy codebase, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. However, with the right approach, you can gain a better understanding of the code and become a valuable member of your team. Here are some tips that helped me:

1. Take time to read the codebase: Spend time reading through the codebase to understand how it works. This will help you identify patterns and get a sense of the overall structure of the code.

2. Start with small, manageable tasks: Begin with smaller, manageable tasks rather than diving straight into the most complex parts of the codebase. This will build your confidence and help you gain a better understanding of the code as you work your way up to more challenging tasks.

3. Document everything: Make a point of documenting everything you learn about the codebase, including notes on how different parts of the code work and any particular quirks or issues you come across. This will help you keep track of what you are learning and make it easier to ask specific questions when you need help.

4. Ask for help early and often: Realize that you won’t be able to figure everything out on your own and that it’s better to ask for help sooner rather than later. Ask your colleagues for advice and guidance whenever you get stuck, and you’ll find that they are always willing to help and happy to answer your questions.

5. Take advantage of resources: In addition to your colleagues, take advantage of other resources like documentation and online forums. Often, you’ll come across a problem that has already been solved by someone else, and you can find the answer you need by searching through documentation or asking for help on a forum.

Remember that it’s natural to feel overwhelmed when faced with a new codebase, but with perseverance, a willingness to learn, and a little help from your colleagues, you can overcome these challenges and become a valuable member of your team.

Lessons Learned: Don’t Forget

As a new developer, it’s crucial to give yourself ample time and space to adjust to your new role. One month is just the beginning of your journey, and there will be many more challenges and opportunities for growth ahead. Remember that you’re part of a team, and you can rely on your coworkers for support and guidance. With time and perseverance, you’ll start to feel more comfortable and confident in your abilities in your new role.

As you navigate your journey as a new developer or when working with legacy codebases, it’s essential to stay curious, keep asking questions, and lean on the knowledge and experience of your team. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed at first, so don’t be afraid to break the codebase down into smaller, more manageable pieces and take the time to understand how everything fits together.

Most importantly, remember that no one knows everything, and there’s always room to learn and grow. With perseverance and a willingness to learn, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a confident and capable developer. So, give yourself the time and space you need to adjust to your new role, and don’t forget to rely on your team for support and guidance.

Rocketship taking of from launch pad.