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Dom Foley


t3 guestbook

Technologies: Typescript, tRPC, Tailwind, nextAuth, and Prisma.

This project enables users to log in via Discord. Once logged in, users can post messages and delete any messages they have written. Furthermore, this project provides users with a convenient and secure way to communicate with one another.

View the live site here or check out the repo here !

570 Flag Football

Technologies: Vite React

This interactive website, constructed with Vite React, showcases a vibrant local flag football league. It provides an engaging platform for players, coaches, and fans to stay up-to-date on the latest news, events, and scores. With its user-friendly design, the website allows users to easily navigate through the various features and content, making it an ideal resource for anyone interested in the league.

View the live site here or check out the repo here !

Goal Setter

Technologies: React, Redux, Express, Mongodb, Nodejs

Full-stack web application that enables users to log in securely with JWT authentication and create, edit, and delete goals with ease. This application provides users with a streamlined and intuitive way to manage their goals, allowing them to stay organized and on track.

View the live site here or check out the repo here !